Descending Darkness (The Prophesized #3) Read online

Page 11

  Larkin transports back into the living room, but this time he has someone with him. The man standing next to him looks close to my age, maybe slightly older. Larkin introduces him, “This is Kyril Xavier. I brought Ryanne to meet him earlier. He’s the one that helped us rescue Liam, Colton, and Ryanne from the compound.”

  “Holy crap on a cracker, he’s hot,” Emma says. David growls at her. She jumps at his growl. “Shoot, did I just say that out loud?” She looks around. I nod at her, and she turns around and smiles sweetly at David. “Sorry, babe.”

  “You must be Emma?” Kyril asks. Emma blushes and nods. Whoa, Emma blushing? I’ve never seen that before. David wraps his arm around Emma’s shoulder, showing Kyril that she is his. Kyril laughs while his eyes scan the room. He winks at Natalie, who is staring at him with her mouth hanging open. “That’s what Ryanne did too.” Natalie giggles and tears her eyes away from him. Liam scowls and looks down at Natalie. Something is definitely going on there.

  I didn’t realize it, but I must have made a noise as well because Kyril turns his attention to me. “I’m guessing you’re Colton?” When he sees Ryanne asleep in my lap, he grimaces.

  “She doesn’t look too good.” He takes a couple steps toward me. When he reaches out for Ryanne, I move her. “I can heal her,” he tells me.

  “Colton, let him heal her,” Larkin demands.

  “Logan already tried healing her.”

  “He heals physical injuries; I can heal illnesses. Her body is reacting negatively to the truth serum. If I don’t heal her, she’ll only get worse,” he pleads with me. Does he care about Ryanne too? He seems sincere enough, but he is working for Dravin. I look over to Liam and Logan. Neither one of them seems to like the idea, but they both nod. I turn back to Kyril and slowly move Ryanne, so she is facing him. Her head falls limply to the side.

  Kyril slowly reaches out and rolls up the sleeves of the sweatshirt. When her arms are exposed, he grabs onto them and closes his eyes. Similar to Logan, a look of concentration mars his features. I don’t notice any immediate changes in her demeanor. Nothing is happening. Can he not heal her? He lets go of her arms, but Ryanne doesn’t move. Kyril takes a small step back but remains close, watching Ryanne.

  Ryanne inhales deeply. Her eyes flutter open and land on Kyril. “Do you ever wear a shirt?” Her voice isn’t as hoarse as it was earlier. I reach up and feel her forehead; she doesn’t have a fever anymore.

  “Don’t ask him that. He’ll go put one on,” Emma says. Ryanne laughs and slowly moves off of my lap, but doesn’t go far. Instead, she leans into my side, and I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

  “Thank you,” she tells him.

  “You’re very welcome,” he whispers to her. Patting her knee, he stands up and walks back near Larkin again.

  “How was he able to bring her there when she was awake? I know they have a dream-walker, but how?”

  “Dravin was able to get a very powerful dream-walker to help him. He doesn’t need physical contact with someone to bring them into the dream world. He can go into your mind and see the person. He saw Ryanne through Dravin’s eyes and was able to bring her through like that.”

  “Valdus Hamza?” Bragden asks. Liam’s eyes widen as he stares at his brother.

  “He wouldn’t,” Liam says, but Kyril is already nodding.

  “It was him, but when he saw what Dravin did to Ryanne, he left. He said that he wouldn’t stand by and let him do that to someone.”

  “Who’s Valdus Hamza?” Ryanne asks Liam.

  “Our tribe leader. He’s the one that trained me. He’s very powerful. One of the most powerful dream-walkers.”

  “But he won’t be helping Dravin anymore,” Kyril says and starts shaking his head. “The amount of truth serum he gave to Ryanne could have killed her. She’s small and that amount was enough to make any man fall in agony, screaming the truth. It would be too much for you.” Kyril points to Bragden.

  “He gave her more because the first time she was there, Ryanne was able to fight it,” Larkin says.

  “Well, I don’t see how he expected me to tell him anything. It felt like my insides were trying to claw their way out of me—like everything inside me was slowly ripping apart.” She shivers and moves closer to me. “Shoot.” She jumps up and runs back into the bathroom. She isn’t as shaky or weak as before, but she shouldn’t still be getting sick.

  “I thought you healed her?” Emma asks as I follow her into the bathroom

  “I healed her fever which was making her sick, but she still has the truth serum in her, which she needs to get out because it’s too much for her body to absorb. I can’t do anything with that,” I hear Kyril say. I grab her hair again.

  “Go, you don’t need to see this.”

  “Ryanne, I’m not leaving you, so stop asking me.” I’m serious, but I keep my voice light. Now is not the time to get angry. She needs me here, and I am going to be here for her. She leans forward and heaves into the toilet again. Emma walks into the bathroom and hands me a hair tie. Ryanne leans back and rests against the wall. She looks stronger, but I can tell that she is still sick. I hand her the hair tie, and she quickly throws her hair into a messy bun.

  “Go talk to Kyril. I’ll stay in here with her,” Emma says. I look back at Ryanne, and she nods at me.

  “Ryanne, I’m not leaving you. I just told you that.”

  “Would you rather stay in here and watch me puke my guts out, or would you rather get information from Kyril? He’s going to have to leave soon because Dravin’s going to get suspicious of his disappearance. We need him, Colton.” What she’s telling me makes sense, but I still don’t want to leave her. With a dramatic sigh, Emma grabs my upper arm and shoves me out of the bathroom. I slowly walk back into the living room. All eyes turn to me as I sit down on the couch.

  “How’s she doing?” Logan asks me. I am about to answer when the sound of Ryanne getting sick again fills the room. I grimace and turn to Logan. There’s your answer. Emma must have closed the door because the sound is muffled now.

  “What’s going to happen next?” I ask Kyril. “Is Dravin going to come after her again?”

  “He’s not going to stop until he finds her. Is there a protective charm on this house? I know Larkin’s been trying to mask her magic, but it’s difficult with the amount she has.” I glance at Larkin. He always tells her that he can’t hide her magic to try to avoid any reckless actions on her part. For just this instance, I’m glad that he’s lying to her.

  “No,” Tom answers. “Ryanne’s the only one strong enough to do the enchantment, and she’s a little occupied right now.”

  “I could try it,” Natalie suggests.

  “No,” Liam gives a firm response. Natalie looks up at him surprised but doesn’t argue with him. I don’t think Natalie’s strong enough. Her presence is calming, but I don’t think she has enough magic to push out like that. “Sorry, I just don’t think it’s a good idea.” Natalie nods and turns around. She bites her lip and tries to hide a slight smile. I look toward Conner and see that he sees it too.

  “I’ll do it.” I look to my right and see Ryanne leaning against the wall. She does look better, but I can tell she needs to rest.

  “Ryanne, I don’t think—” I stand up and start walking toward her.

  “I have it memorized, so I’ll do it even if you guys don’t think it’s a good idea.” She crosses her arms and stares up at me defiantly. Stubborn little girl. Kyril laughs behind me. Her gaze is unwavering and she doesn’t back down. In fact, she takes another step forward and glares at me.

  I shake my head but take a step backward. “Fine, but at least get some rest first. You need it.”

  “I’ll do the enchantment first and then I’ll rest. I’m fine,” she says, but she steps back, leaning against the wall.

  “Ryanne, you’re not fine. You can barely stand on your own.”

  “I’m fine. Just let me do this. Please,” she pleads with me. When I don’t say anythi
ng, she whispers, “I’m scared right now, Colton, and if this enchantment will keep us safe, I’m going to do it.” I know it took a lot for her to admit that she was scared.

  “Let her do it, Colton.” I look past Ryanne and see Emma looking at me, nodding. Like me, she understands how important it is to Ryanne to do this. She needs to know that we are protected. I nod and pull Ryanne over to the couch. She’s getting a little unsteady on her feet.

  I don’t like this, but I don’t like arguing with her more. She is determined to do this, and I will lose this argument anyway. We might as well get it over with so she can finally get some rest.

  “Well, we know who wears the pants in that relationship,” Larkin says. I turn around and glare at him but don’t say anything.

  “I’m going to do the enchantment now,” she says to me. Her eyes tell me that she is sorry. I nod because I do understand. If the role was reversed, I’d probably do the same thing. I am about to ask Tom to get the spell for her but stop as I watch her. She takes a deep breath and starts saying it from memory.

  Chapter Eleven

  They didn’t believe I actually memorized that spell. For some reason, I am great at remembering facts and lines which is how I am able to recall movie quotes all the time. However, my memory outside of facts and quotes is not very good. I take a deep breath and start calling my magic to me.

  “Magic come forth, I call you to me.” The magic flows through my veins, moving through my body. I grab small strands of the magic and start pushing them out. “Protect our home from danger, so evil cannot see.” I push more magic out.

  I can feel my magic flowing through the room, but I don’t open my eyes. I need to remain concentrated or the spell won’t be completed. I only have one shot at this. “Hide the lines through an invisible veil, so those who happen upon us will believe they failed.” The magic is bubbling to the surface, boiling through my veins, trying to get out and protect us. It knows what I’m asking for it to do, and it’s obeying.

  “Protect our home from those with eyes, who only seek for our demise.” I picture my magic cloaking the house, turning it invisible from random onlookers. Those with a clean, pure heart can find the home, but no one wishing us harm will ever stumble upon it.

  “I call you to me during this time of need to protect those within from anger and greed.” The magic is just flowing out of me now. I don’t have to push any longer. It is willingly leaving me and dispersing throughout the house. “Protect our home from danger, so evil cannot see.” The magic leaves me much easier this time, and I don’t feel like I have to repeat the enchantment a second time. I keep imagining the magic covering the house. The house is invisible to those on the outside. No one can see anything.

  All of the sudden, I am thrown backward as my magic snaps back to me. I gasp for breath as it continues to flow back into my body. It feels like I am being pelted with paintballs. Well, this is what I assume being hit with paintballs feels like. It stings, but the pain recedes after a little while. When the onslaught stops and the magic continues to slowly flow back into me, I open my eyes. Everyone is staring at me with awed looks again.

  “Guys,” I groan. “Stop looking at me like that.”

  “That was amazing,” Kyril says behind me. I turn around and look at him. I forgot that he was still here. “Thank you for letting me witness that.” What the heck is he talking about? He nods at Larkin before turning back to me. “I hope you feel better soon.” Larkin transports them out of the room.

  Emma walks over and sits down beside me. “I know you’re not feeling well and everything but,” she hits me on the shoulder, “how could you not tell us that he was that hot?” She stares at me with wide eyes.

  “Ouch. That hurt,” I rub my shoulder where she hit me. “He’s hot? I didn’t notice?” I say innocently. “And this is totally beside the point, but I did tell you.”

  Larkin blinks back into the room. “You didn’t notice? Ha, I said your name twice before you realized I was talking to you. You couldn’t stop staring at him.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I say casually as I lean back against Colton.

  “You didn’t tell me he was I need a mop to wipe my drool off the ground hot. I was expecting the slight fanning to cool myself off kind of hot. Details, Ryanne. Details.” Emma looks over toward David. “Again, sorry babe.”

  “A little warning would have been nice,” Natalie agrees. “I giggled! I never giggle, Ryanne.” I laugh. Natalie doesn’t seem like the giggling type.

  When I stop laughing, I feel the now-familiar swirling in my stomach. “Ugh,” I complain as I jump back up and run into the bathroom. After emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet for the umpteenth time today, I lean back against the wall. Could he really have given me this much truth serum? I don’t remember swallowing this much. I stand up and brush my teeth…again, before leaving the bathroom. As I round the corner, I run straight into Colton’s chest. He pulls me back, out of hearing range of everyone.

  “How are you feeling? Really? Don’t tell me that you feel fine.” I lean back against the wall and look up at him. He is staring down at me, concern lacing his beautiful features. I’ve never thought of a guy as beautiful before, but Colton is. I sigh and look out the window toward the beach. Hey, they finished cleaning it up. “Ryanne.”

  I bring my attention back to Colton. “I don’t feel great, but I don’t feel as bad as I did earlier. My stomach is empty, but I keep throwing up. I’m dizzy and hungry, but I don’t want to eat anything because I know I won’t be able to keep it down. I want to go to sleep, but I know that if I fall asleep, they’ll find a way to get to me. It’s the middle of the afternoon, so I don’t want you to lay down with me. I feel like I’m letting everyone down when they see me like this, because the ‘prophecy girl’ wouldn’t show any weaknesses. I feel like I’m letting you down, and I don’t like feeling like this.”

  Colton wraps his arms around my back, pulling me in for a hug. I lean my head against his chest and put my arms around his waist. “Ryanne, you’re not letting anyone down. Don’t ever think that. We don’t think of you as the prophecy girl. None of us do. You’re just Ryanne. We don’t expect anything out of you. You’re the one who puts so much pressure on yourself.” He kisses the top of my head. “Come on. I’ll lay down with you.”

  “No, just go back to the couch. I’ll lie down on the couch. I don’t want to inconvenience you any more than I already am.”

  “It’s not an inconvenience, Ry. When are you going to realize that all I want is to keep you safe? I want to be the one that protects you and if the only way I’m able to do that is letting you sleep next me, then let me do it. Please don’t fight me on this.”

  “I’m not going to fight with you,” I say as I step away from him and grab his hand. I pull him back into the living room. Sitting down on the couch, I pat the spot next to me while giving him a sly smile. He shakes his head, but I can tell that I am going to win this. Dramatically, he exhales and plops down on the couch next to me.

  “You’re something. Do you know that?”

  “I’m just Ryanne,” I tell him, using the words he just said. I pull my knees up under me and rest my head against his leg. I don’t want to restrict his movement too much. I don’t look around the room because I know they are all watching me. Closing my eyes, I let myself drift into sleep.

  I roll off of my side and onto my back. My neck is starting to hurt being at the same angle for too long. I slowly open my eyes and look up into a pair of gorgeous green eyes. “Hey,” I whisper to Colton.

  “Hey.” He smiles down at me. I have to remind myself to breathe. It still surprises me that he is mine—that I get to spend the rest of my life with him. “How are you feeling?”

  I slowly sit up and mentally assess myself. Besides being hungry, I feel fine. “I’m good, honestly. A little hungry though.” He gets off the couch and pulls me after him. When we enter the kitchen, he sits me down in one of
the chairs. I look around the table. Everyone is sitting down with empty plates in front of them. It looks like they already ate and are just talking.

  “I’m just going to make you toast for now. If you can keep that down, you can eat more, okay?” I nod. I don’t think that I can eat much more than toast right now. I don’t want to risk it.

  “How are you feeling?” Liam asks me.

  “Oh, just grand. How are you feeling?” Liam smiles at me but doesn’t answer my question. I like it when he smiles. I wish he would do it more often. I glance across the table and see Natalie watching him, a small smile on her face. When she realizes I am watching her, she coughs and looks down at the table.

  Colton places a plate with two pieces of toast in front of me and hands me a bottle of water. “Eat slowly,” Logan says. I nod but just stare down at the food.

  “Ryanne, you have to eat,” Colton says.

  “I know. I know. I just really don’t want to throw up again,” I arch my neck back, so I can see him. He is standing behind my chair. “It’s not a pleasant feeling.”

  “I understand that, but you don’t have anything in your stomach right now, so you need to eat something.”

  “And I’ve gone longer without eating.” I shiver as I remember the first time Dravin kidnapped me. I went almost a week without eating.

  “Eat something,” he demands. He doesn’t like to think about that. I can tell that he is starting to get upset, so I grab a piece of toast and take a small bite. Chewing slowly, I look around the table and find everyone watching me again. When I look at them, they quickly divert their gazes. They’re finally learning.

  I swallow the bite and wait. I don’t know if I will start to feel anything so soon, but I don’t want to keep eating if I am going to just throw it up. A minute later, I still feel fine, so I take another bite. I finish the first piece of toast and start on the second one. I finish that one off just as quickly. I sit back in my chair.

  “Still feeling grand?” Larkin asks me. He isn’t joking around like he usually is. It’s weird seeing him act serious.